Shaping Minds, Fostering Joy: A Vision for Mental Health in Las Vegas

"Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Suffering follows an evil thought as the wheels of a cart follow the oxen that draw it. Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Joy follows a pure thought like a shadow that never leaves." These profound words by Buddha capture the essence of the journey we undertake at the Community Counseling Center of Southern Nevada.

As a native Las Vegan, I've watched the landscape of our vibrant city change, alongside the emotional and psychological terrain of its inhabitants. The insight that our minds shape our reality has never been more apparent to me than when I started my counseling intern hours under the tutelage of Community Counseling of Southern Nevada founder Ron Lawrence over 30 years ago. That experience was transformative, revealing the undeniable truth that the quality of our mental health directly influences the path of our lives.

Today, as the Board Chair of the Community Counseling Center, I'm reminded daily of Buddha's words. We see individuals who arrive burdened with suffering, their thoughts clouded by struggles and challenges. Our mission, grounded in the wisdom that joy follows pure thought, drives our vision to ensure every Las Vegan has the opportunity to access excellent mental health care, regardless of their financial standing.

Our board of directors embodies this philosophy, infusing their governance with the knowledge that positive, compassionate leadership can have a ripple effect throughout our community. They are committed to being the catalysts for positive change, working diligently to expand and amplify the mental health services we offer. They are proof that by cultivating a collective mindset of empathy and support, we can indeed shape a brighter, more hopeful reality for all.

In this fast-paced world, where the mind can be easily ensnared by the tumult of everyday life, the Community Counseling Center stands as a sanctuary. We offer a space where positive thoughts are nurtured, and joy can be the shadow that follows our clients as they embark on their healing journeys.

If the Buddha's message resonates with you—if you believe in the transformative power of the mind and wish to be a part of a community that fosters mental well-being—then I invite you to join us. Whether you seek support or wish to offer it, your contribution can be the pebble that creates waves of positive change. Reach out to us at Together, we can shape lives, influence minds, and bring joy into the hearts of every Las Vegan.

Written by Jeanne Hamrick, CCC Board Chair


The Heart of Las Vegas


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